Junção - Marketing Coordinator

In this volunteer Marketing Coordinator position, I found my calling to leadership: inspiring a team by leading them through the risk and being brave to do differently.

For almost three years we developed a lot of conferences campaigns, social media activity, creative workshops, and training classes. Besides increasing the metrics, the most important result for me was to see several younger people finding their way in the communication field. That was priceless.

Junção is a very active group of Christian Youth (Word of Life Church) in Brazil, and they keep going forward in marketing and advertising among the churches.

The conferences were great events that always involved traditional and digital strategies, from the visual design to coordinating the team of photographers and video makers during the four days of events.

We ensured that the visual identity of the conferences was something very striking, intense and excellence on all of the marketing actions.

Conference posters

T-shirts and souvenirs

Wait time warning video for the service

Promotional video of DNA conference

Social Media Posts